Our School Goals
Our school goals align with the district strategic plan:
Goal 2- Whole Child: Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Pride Points
- Restorative practices are utilized to support positive peer relationships and maximize time for teaching and learning
- Multiple community-based organizations on site that assist with meeting the needs of the whole child
Area of Focus
- High quality learning experiences that reduce the disproportionality in student outcomes and a scholar advisory committee that informs our school improvement plan
Goal 5- Persistence to Graduation: High School Graduation Through Successful Transitions
Pride Points
- Personalized learning plans (PLPs) support unique and individualized opportunities for students to prepare for career and college pursuits
Personalized opportunities and learning plans allow unique pathways to graduation—giving scholars an opportunity to earn a diploma in a non-traditional setting
Big Picture Learning site focused on competency based education. Competencies earned through personal projects.
Area of Focus
- Develop system to improve and monitor attendance and also provide increased opportunities for formative assessment and feedback